
“And Mordechai sent letters to all the Jews of the Provinces, both near and far to set forth the 14th day of Adar in which the Jews rested from those who sought to destroy them, for the month (of Adar) was changed from one of sorry to joy, from one of mourning to festivity. 

They should make these days (of Purim) one of feasting and joy, and of sending choice portions to one another, and gifts to the poor.”

(Esther 9:19,21,22)


Purim is a time of great celebration.  It is a memorial to the Jewish spirit and the Jewish people, and by extension humanity, that will never yield to hatred or bigotry. Purim is a celebration of the human spirit and the festival of l’chayim (to life).

Because it is recognized as a human festival, it is observed through celebrating at parties and creating a festive atmosphere for children of all ages.

Purim is observed in different ways each year at Mt. Sinai but always with the Megillah reading (Scroll of Esther) from an authentic scroll on Erev Purim (the evening before the holiday,) and a congregational celebration which will include a carnival for the children.

We also send mishloach manot (food gift baskets for one another) and gifts to those less fortunate so all can celebrate the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.

You can read more at the link below:


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