Rabbi Cathy Nemiroff
Rabbi Cathy Nemiroff has joined us as our new Rabbi and will be leading us on a part-time basis. Rabbi Nemiroff received rabbinic ordination at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in 2002. She previously completed a Master of Arts degree in Hebrew Letters at the same institute. Rabbi Nemiroff entered the rabbinate as a second career. Since graduation from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Arts, she worked first in non-profit arts administration, then technical writing and training in the private sector.
Prior to entering rabbinical school Rabbi Nemiroff pursued Jewish studies at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and the University of Minnesota. Her passion for Jewish communal life was ignited when, as a lay leader, she helped found a new congregation, Shir Tikvah, in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. She loves teaching, communal leadership and bringing Judaism to congregants of all ages in formal and informal contexts. Particular academic interests include modern Jewish thought, ethics and responsa literature (rabbinic questions and responses).
Rabbi Nemiroff has held rabbinic positions in Florida and New York state. Prior to coming to Mt. Sinai, Rabbi Nemiroff worked as a spiritual care rabbi and chaplain at Sholom Home in St. Paul and served as a visiting rabbi to a small congregation in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
In her spare time Rabbi Nemiroff enjoys classical and Jewish music as well as many disciplines in the arts. She also enjoys spending time in the natural world, particularly the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Rabbi Emeritus:
Rabbi Dan Danson

He and his wife now live in New York state.